window.oct8neApp = new function () { let _public = this; let _options = window.oct8neAppOptions; if (typeof _options !== 'object') throw 'options within window.oct8neAppOptions must be an object'; // Constructor ======================== let initialize = function () { loadOct8neScript(() => { // Create global variable for the utils. !! IMPORTANT : this variable is required in order for utils to work window.oct8neVtex = { cart: {}, log: function (message) { console.log(message); } }; // Start listening to vtex events listenToVtexEvents(); }); }; // Public methods ======================== _public.getOptions = function () { return window.oct8neAppOptions; }; _public.getUtilsData = function () { return window.oct8neVtex; }; let httpGet = function (url, done, mapRet) { // On ready callback var onReady = function (xhttp) { let status = xhttp.status; let responseText = xhttp.responseText; let responseObject = null; try { responseObject = JSON.parse(responseText); } catch (e) { } let ret = { status, responseText, responseObject }; if (mapRet) { done(mapRet(ret)); } else { done(ret); } }; // Send post var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if ( === 4) onReady(; }; // Open and send"GET", url, true); // Send request xhttp.send(); }; let GetCartInfoById = function (cartId, callback, retMap) { httpGet(BuildGetCartInfoUrl(_options.baseUrl, cartId), callback, retMap); }; let BuildGetCartInfoUrl = function (url, cartId) { if (!url.endsWith('/')) url = url + '/'; let regex = /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+)\/.*/; let match = url.match(regex); let ret = url; if (match) { ret = match[1]; } url = ret.replace('/', ''); if (!url.startsWith('www.')) { urt = 'www.' + url; } return 'https://' + url + '/' + 'api/checkout/pub/orderForm/' + cartId; } let CartInfoServerResponseMap = function (ret) { if (!ret.responseObject) { return; } let objResult = ret.responseObject; let retItems = => ({ productId: i.productId, name:, price: i.sellingPrice, detailUrl: i.detailUrl, imageUrl: i.imageUrl, quantity: i.quantity })); let totalPrice = objResult.items.reduce((acc, i) => acc + (i.sellingPrice * i.quantity), 0); let userProfile = objResult.clientProfileData; let retObj = { items: retItems, currency: objResult.storePreferencesData.currencyCode, totalItems: objResult.items.length, price: totalPrice, userProfile: { email: userProfile ? || '' : '', firstName: userProfile ? userProfile.firstName || '' : '', lastName: userProfile ? userProfile.lastName || '' : '' } }; return retObj; }; let _logEvent = () => { }; _public.startLoggingEvents = function () { _logEvent = (message) => console.log(message); }; // Listen to events ======================== let listenToVtexEvents = function () { let InternalDebouncedRestart = function (eventTriggerName) { //console.log("InternalDebouncedRestart - " + eventTriggerName); let now = new Date(); let lastRestart = _lastRestartDate; let diff = now - lastRestart; if (diff > 1000 && window.location.href !== _lastRestartPage) { //console.log("InternalDebouncedRestart restart - " + eventTriggerName); window.oct8ne.restart(); _lastRestartDate = now; _lastRestartPage = window.location.href; _firstVtexEvent = true; } else { } } let mapCustomerCart = function (items) { let customerCart = (x) { let internalId = x.productId; let title =; let formattedPrice = (x.price / 100).toString(); let formattedPrevPrice = formattedPrice; let productUrl = window.location.href + x.detailUrl; let thumbnail = x.imageUrl; let qty = x.quantity; let ret = { internalId: internalId, title: title, formattedPrice: formattedPrice, formattedPrevPrice: formattedPrevPrice, productUrl: productUrl, thumbnail: thumbnail, qty: qty }; return ret; }); return customerCart; }; let CacheUserDataEvent = function (event) { _userDataCachedEvent = event; window.sessionStorage.setItem('vtex:userDataEvent' + '_' + window.location.origin, JSON.stringify(event)); }; let RecoverUserDataEvent = function () { let userDataEvent = window.sessionStorage.getItem('vtex:userDataEvent' + '_' + window.location.origin); if (userDataEvent !== null) { return JSON.parse(userDataEvent); } return null; }; let CacheCartDataEvent = function (event) { _cartChangedCachedEvent = event; window.sessionStorage.setItem('vtex:cartDataEvent' + '_' + window.location.origin, JSON.stringify(event)); } let RecoverCartDataEvent = function () { let cartDataEvent = window.sessionStorage.getItem('vtex:cartDataEvent' + '_' + window.location.origin); if (cartDataEvent !== null) { return JSON.parse(cartDataEvent); } return null; }; // Vtex events callbacks ======================= var pageView = function (eventName) { setTimeout(function () { //console.log("pageView"); InternalDebouncedRestart(eventName); if (_userDataCachedEvent && _cartChangedCachedEvent) { cartChanged(_cartChangedCachedEvent); } }, 500); }; var productView = function (data) { //console.log("productView"); var product = data.product; var firstItemImage = product.items[0].imageUrl; window.oct8ne.currentProduct = { id: product.productId, thumbnail: firstItemImage }; oct8neApi.addViewedProducts(window.oct8ne.currentProduct); InternalDebouncedRestart('vtex:productView'); window.oct8ne.restart(); oct8neApi.checkTriggersForSpa(); }; var cartChanged = function (data) { let items = data.items; // Map root let price = 0; items.forEach(function (x) { price = price + x.price; }); let totalItems = 0; items.forEach(function (x) { totalItems = totalItems + x.quantity; }); var finalPrice = price; var currency = data.currency; // Callback to map customer cart // Final ojbect for cart cand customer cart let cartData = mapCustomerCart(items); let ret = { price: price, finalPrice: finalPrice, currency: currency, totalItems: totalItems, cart: cartData }; window.oct8neVtex.cart = ret; window.oct8neVtex.customerCart = cartData; runUserDataEvent(""); window.oct8neApi.updateSaleCart(); var oct8neIframe = document.getElementById(oct8neVars.DOMElements.viewerIframe); if (oct8neIframe && oct8neIframe.contentWindow && Oct8ne) { Oct8ne.Helpers.sendPostMessageToOct8ne("CUSTOMERDATARESULT," + JSON.stringify(window.oct8neVtex.cart)); } }; let userData = function (data) { window.oct8ne.options = { vtexioInfo: { customerInfo: null } }; if (data === undefined) return; let id =; let firstName = data.firstName !== undefined ? data.firstName :; let lastName = data.lastName !== undefined ? data.lastName :; let email =; let wishList = null; let cart = window.oct8neVtex.customerCart; let ret = { id: id, firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, email: email, wishList: wishList, cart: cart }; window.oct8ne.options.vtexioInfo.customerInfo = ret; window.oct8ne.options.user = { name: "", email: email }; }; let runUserDataEvent = function (fallbackMail) { if (_userDataCachedEvent !== null) { userData(_userDataCachedEvent); } else { userData({ id: "", email: fallbackMail }); } }; let onCartIdEventHandler = function (eventData) { if (!eventData) { return; } if (!_userDataCachedEvent && eventData.userProfile) { CacheUserDataEvent({ firstName: eventData.userProfile.firstName, lastname: eventData.userProfile.lastName, email: }); } CacheCartDataEvent(eventData); cartChanged(_cartChangedCachedEvent); }; let onOrderPlacedEventHandler = function (eventData) { if (!eventData) return; removeExistingPixelSaleScript(); loadPixelSale(eventData); }; let removeExistingPixelSaleScript = function () { var existingPixelScript = document.getElementById('oct8ne-sale-notification'); if (existingPixelScript !== null) { existingPixelScript.remove(); } }; let loadPixelSale = function (eventdata) { // Get order. Do nothing if it is not there var order = eventdata; if (typeof order !== 'object') return; // Do nothing if script is already loaded var existingPixelScript = document.getElementById('oct8ne-sale-notification'); if (existingPixelScript !== null) { console.warn('Do not load sale notification script since it was already there'); return; } // Get stuff from config and page var license = _options.licenseId; var static = _options.srcStaticPart; var locale = _options.locale; var currency = order.currency; // Get order stuff var reference = (order.ordersInOrderGroup && order.ordersInOrderGroup.length > 0) ? order.ordersInOrderGroup[0] : ""; if (reference === "") return; var value = order.transactionTotal; var customerId = null; //if (customerId === undefined) customerId = null; // Load pixel let pixelScript = document.createElement('script'); var url = 'https://{static}' + '/api/source/js/ext/sale-notification.js?license={license}&CurrencyCode={CurrencyCode}&locale={locale}&value={value}&reference={reference}&customerId={customerId}'; var actualUrl = url .replace('{static}', static) .replace('{license}', license) .replace('{CurrencyCode}', currency) .replace('{locale}', locale) .replace('{value}', value) .replace('{reference}', reference) .replace('{customerId}', customerId); pixelScript.src = actualUrl; = 'oct8ne-sale-notification'; pixelScript.type = 'text/javascript'; document.head.append(pixelScript); }; let UpdateCartIfFirstVtexEvent = function () { if (_firstVtexEvent && _cartChangedCachedEvent) { cartChanged(_cartChangedCachedEvent); } }; let handleVtexEvent = function (event) { let eventName = event.eventName; switch (eventName) { case 'vtex:pageView': _logEvent({ eventName, event }); pageView(eventName); break; case 'vtex:productView': _logEvent({ eventName, event }); productView(event); break; case 'vtex:cartChanged': _logEvent({ eventName, event }); CacheCartDataEvent(event); cartChanged(event); InternalDebouncedRestart(eventName); break; case 'vtex:userData': if ( { CacheUserDataEvent(event); userData(event); } _logEvent({ eventName, event }); break; case 'vtex:cartId': // force Get cart info by id if not cached userdata or cart data, the cartInfo also has userProfileInfo if (!_cartChangedCachedEvent || !_userDataCachedEvent) { GetCartInfoById(event.cartId, onCartIdEventHandler, CartInfoServerResponseMap); } else { onCartIdEventHandler(_cartChangedCachedEvent); } break; case 'vtex:addToCart': if (_cartChangedCachedEvent) { _cartChangedCachedEvent.items = [..._cartChangedCachedEvent.items, ...event.items]; onCartIdEventHandler(_cartChangedCachedEvent); } break; case 'vtex:orderPlaced': onOrderPlacedEventHandler(event); break; } if (_firstVtexEvent && eventName && eventName.includes('vtex:')) { UpdateCartIfFirstVtexEvent(); _firstVtexEvent = false; } }; let _userDataCachedEvent = RecoverUserDataEvent(); let _cartChangedCachedEvent = RecoverCartDataEvent(); let _lastRestartDate = new Date(0); let _lastRestartPage = window.location.href; let _firstVtexEvent = true; window.addEventListener('message', function (e) { let vtexEvent =; handleVtexEvent(vtexEvent); }); }; // Private methods ======================== let loadOct8neScript = function (onLoaded) { var licenseId = _options.licenseId; var baseUrl = _options.baseUrl; var server = _options.server; var locale = document.querySelector('html').lang; var isEu = server.includes('-eu'); var srcStaticPart = isEu ? "" : ""; var src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://" : "http://") + srcStaticPart + "/api/v2/oct8ne.js?" + (Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 86400000)); _options.srcStaticPart = srcStaticPart; _options.locale = locale; // For debugging purposes - remove when done ===================================== //actualServer = "localhost:44348/"; //src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://" : "http://") + "localhost:44348/api/source/js/api/v2/2.3/debug/oct8ne-api-V2.3.js?" + (Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 86400000)); // For debugging purposes - remove when done ===================================== if (!licenseId) { console.error('Warning: No Oct8ne License ID is defined. Please configure it in the apps admin'); return; } var oct8ne = document.createElement("script"); oct8ne.type = "text/javascript"; oct8ne.async = true; = 'vtexOct8neScript'; oct8ne.platform = "vtexio"; oct8ne.apiVersion = "2.4"; oct8ne.server = server; oct8ne.license = licenseId; oct8ne.locale = locale; oct8ne.baseUrl = baseUrl; oct8ne.src = src; oct8ne.options = { vtexioInfo: {} }; oct8ne.checkoutUrl = document.location.origin + '/checkout/#/cart'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(oct8ne, s); window.oct8ne = oct8ne; // Callback to know when the oct8ne script is loaded var oct8neScript = document.getElementById('vtexOct8neScript'); oct8neScript.onload = onLoaded; oct8neScript.onerror = () => { console.error('Oct8ne script could not be loaded'); }; window.oct8neScriptInserted = true; }; initialize(); };